What is interleaving?
Interleaving increases stability and throughput on higher-speed ADSL services by rearranging data during transmission. This makes successful transmission more likely, particularly in the presence of "bursty" noise.
Interleaving can mean faster downloads at the expense of slightly higher latency. You may prefer to turn interleaving off if you're a dedicated gamer.
We can disable interleaving on Easy Reach and ADSL Fast services, in a process known as 'Fast Path'. There is no charge for this change.
Fixed Speed Telstra Wholesale PortsInterleaving is disabled on Telstra Wholesale services at 1500/256, 512/128, 256/64, and 512/512 kbps. It simply isn't necessary at these speeds. |
High Speed Telstra Wholesale PortsInterleaving is enabled on high speed Telstra Wholesale ports up to 20 Mbps (OPEN2 ports). Interleaving is no longer available on 8 Mbps |
How do I turn interleaving on or off?
If you're on an Easy Reach or ADSL Fast service, simply complete this web form to enable or disable interleaving. There is no charge to enable or disable interleaving.
We aim to process interleaving requests within 1 business day. It can take another day or two for our wholesale provider to complete the request.
If you disable interleaving and your service becomes unstable, simply submit another form, or contact Support on 13 66 33.
NOTE: If interleaving is removed from a noisy line, it may cause ADSL to become unstable. If you disable interleaving on a Business ADSL or Business Pack service, our normal SLA rebate will not apply.